ASP.NET MVC4 “BIN” a reserved keyword?

I have a stock query application that returns data based upon a stock symbol.

Basically, the AJAX call goes to ~/Stocks/GetStockData/{id} where the {id} is the stock symbol.

This works fine… generally. Today I found that the stock “Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd.”, which has a symbol of BIN, blew up. Looking at the return data in the browser, I see it’s returning a 404 for this symbol.

It occurred to me that BIN might be a reserved word, asking for some binary file or something. Is this the case? How do I work around this without a whole lot of effort? Are there other keywords that will also cause this problem?


Per Artyom Neustroev, this could be a reserved keyword, and would be protected from routing to. He referenced an article which referenced a website which stated the way around this was to add the following configuration setting in the config file:

    <httpRuntime relaxedUrlToFileSystemMapping="true"/>

    <!-- ... your other settings ... -->


The routing mechanism takes into account hidden directories and files (like web.config, /bin, etc) and hides them from people. For some of these, the rules can be relaxed a bit, as they are handled in code. These “keywords” are: CON, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, LPT1, LPT2, AUX, PRN, and NUL. These can actually be referenced with a change to your web.config file as such:

    <httpRuntime relaxedUrlToFileSystemMapping="true"/>

    <!-- ... your other settings ... -->